Tag Archives: real foods


IT’S HERE!! IT’S HERE!!!! IT’S HERE!!!! My special secret package finally arrived!!

I think I practically did this when the mail came (after, of course, the Fed Ex guy totally faked me out by driving past without stopping, causing me to start hyperventilating and then try to call Fed Ex to desperately tell them to make the man come back, but then he came back).

Anyone else watch cartoons, that were made specifically for toddlers, well into 6th grade? (…crickets…)No? Just me?

(This is awkward.)

Anyways….here it is!!!!


Just kidding!! That is just Sebastian performing his routine inspection of anything and everything that comes into our house (people included).

My package passed inspection so I could finally open it and behold the wonder that lay inside:


NOW do you understand why I’m so FREAKING EXCITED??????? AHHHHH! I could dance happy dances and sing happy songs for all eternity!

Not to mention, I not only got to purchase this beautiful gift from heaven, but I got a FANTASTIC deal thanks to my dear friend Meghan who tipped me off to a sale Kohl’s was having.

I love Kohl’s. Why didn’t I believe all the people who told me Kohl’s was a magical land full of beautiful bounty and treasure? They were NOT lying. (But for the sake of budget sanctity, I should probably not go there all too often.)

Because I can’t stop staring at this gorgeous vision on my countertop, I know you want to see it in all it’s out-of-box glory, so here is a montage I created for us all to stare at:


Oh, the dreaminess…

Oh, the culinary possibilities!!!

I cannot wait to begin using this magical tool! I already have visions of home made breads, waffles, cookies, pizza dough, pie crusts, muffins, ice creams, pasta and on and on and on and on for all eternity. Which is probably when I will actually leave my kitchen because I will be having the best time ever creating culinary treats for all to share!

This is seriously the best tool someone trying to eliminate processed foods could ever get. The attachment options literally allow you to make your own ANYTHING, so you know it is wholesome and clean. They have an attachment guide that is bigger than a phone book and they even have a grain mill, sausage stuffer, and food grinder. I could mill my own grain and grind my own meat for pete’s sake! Did you hear me? GRIND MY OWN MEAT. And stuff it into sausages. Now that’s hardcore.

While I can’t do any of that yet, without the proper attachments, I do have the most generous and amazing friend in the world who is giving, yes GIVING, me her brand new ice cream attachment for the mixer because they never use it!!! I could pee I’m so excited. (But I won’t. I promise. It’s messy and gross.)

On the docket this week to be made using my new BFF is belgian waffles, whole wheat pizza dough, dumplings and ICE CREAM (obv). LET THE TASTING BEGIN!!!

This weekend I will be doing a ‘Weekend Recipe Update’ Double Feature to share the real food recipes we’ve tried the past couple weeks and the truth about how they turned out…dun dun dunnnnnn. No really! They were really good (mostly…). And I will share how my new friend performed on her first tasks!

But up next in the world of my crazy thoughts is my Real Food Shopping experiences thus far. I have recovered enough emotionally to share it with you now. The Mixer’s arrival helped me heal from yesterday’s 4 hour ordeal. I will be sharing that will you guys tomorrow! It’s not all crying and stress eating chocolate, I promise. There is good stuff I’m learning too.

Okay well that’s all for now guys! I’m off to stare at my new friend until bible study.

